
Bespoke Software

Built to your specific use case

For when off the shelf just doesn't meet the mark.

Our unique approach allows us to work with businesses of all sizes and follows three simple steps:

  1. Work with you to identify the manual inefficiencies within your business and quantify their ongoing cost
  2. Design and build a software solution to automate the inefficiency
  3. Licence the software to you on a monthly basis at a target cost less than 50% of the original inefficiency
Start the conversation with us today

Analytics Solutions

Free your data

Data is the lifeblood of every business. We need it in the form of information to make good decisions.

In modern day businesses data warehousing can become fractured. Silos of data exist in various locations but aren't connected with eachother and are often inefficiently communicated via email attachement. This causes low quality decisions to be made, not at the fault of the decision maker, but at the poor information provided to them.

We have a passion with using data to drive insight. We do this by creating functional, easy to use and great looking reporting suites that use data from all areas of your business pulled into a central warehouse.

Interested in levelling up your decision making?

Consultancy Services

Our business is your business

Our expertise positions us well to provide advice to all businesses emabarking on technology based projects.

We have consulted with organisations ranging from small private startups to government bodies including NHS England.

Our retained consultancy service is flexible to your requirements. From monthly strategy meetings to involvement in ongoing projects, speak with us today to learn more about how we can apply our experience to your businesses decision making.

Surround yourself with knowledge

Be the first to see the news

Your company may not be in the software business, but eventually, a software company will be in your business.